Dive into the world of freshly released books, where every page holds the promise of new adventures, insights, and emotions. From thrilling mysteries to heartfelt romances, and thought-provoking non-fiction to immersive fantasy, these new titles offer something for every reader. Whether you’re looking to escape into a gripping story, expand your knowledge, or discover new voices in literature, the latest books on the shelves are waiting to be explored. Start your next reading journey today with these exciting new arrivals!
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Coronavirus: Let's Talk About sex During A Pandemic
Dr. Rosie Milligan, the most provocative and thought-provoking writer of the century, strikes again using her mighty pen. Coronavirus: Let’s Talk About Sex During a Pandemic is a timely topic.
Dr. Rosie explores the biggest taboo topic during the country’s biggest pandemic: SEX. She discusses it openly and with humor and a vigor that is simplistically understandable and readable.
Dr. Rosie explains how the male and female sexual appetite differ during such crisis and she provides tips that will help eliminate sexual turbulence
What To Do Before You Get Hitched Clara Hunter King, Esq. & Dr. Rosie Milligan

Black America Faces Economic Crisis Crisis- Solutions Made Simple -
Departing This Life Preparations Do It For Your Loved Ones
This book gives you everything that you need to know to get your personal and business affairs in order while you are in your “right mind.” It will help the procrastinators move with a sense of urgency!
Families have been alienated forever because of improper planning or no planning at all. The authors help us to understand that preparing for this life departure is a very critical issue, even though many do not wish to talk about it. The authors have included two articles, “Children Must Get In Their Parent’s Business” and “Single Parent, Don’t Leave Your Child Out In The Cold—Make A Will!”
This book provides the nuts and bolts for departing this life preparations. If you care about your loved ones, this book is for you!

Negroes, Colored People, Blacks, African-Americans in America


Getting out of Debt Made Simple
Nuts & Bolts For the New Author & the New Publisher Made Simple

Creating A New You In Six Weeks Made Simple
In “Creating A New You In Six Weeks Made Simple,” Dr. Milligan guides the reader through a series of journal exercises that will enhance your physical and sexual well-being, your financial status, your family relationships, your career, and both your mental and spiritual outlook.
A new you is possible-and simple-in just six week! You can do it with ease.
ABC's On How To Prepare Your Manuscript For Editing, Formatting And Printing

How To Write A Book Made Simple: And Your Publishing Options

Romance And Finance In Teenage Relationships CD
Romance And Finance In Adult Relationships CD

Church, Let's Talk About Sex! CD
A book of “Motivational Quotations” & “How Comes.” You will appreciate the words of wisdom featured in this volume. You can take it with you on a plane, share it with a friend or tuck it under your pillow.
The comfort of Dr. Milligan’s strength and wisdom is always a page turn away.

Developing A Marketing Plan for your Book Made Simple
Writing your marketing plan is as important as writing your book, creating the difference between bestseller and no sales at all. Whether you are independently published or traditionally published, the system of introducing the book to the right audience is truly the difference between failure and success. Without a marketing plan, you are planning to fail.
Book sales do not just happen. You must make them happen. A marketing plan must show the revenue streams you expect to reach. This manual will help you, as an author, to meet your income or sales goals. It details the market you are seeking and how you will reach them.
Having Her Say: A Compilation of Articles Book Made Simple
Having Her Say is a compilation of articles written by Dr. Rosie and about Dr. Rosie, and press releases written by Dr. Rosie. In addition to being an author of twenty-one books, co-author of two books, and having published 350 plus books for other writers–Dr. Rosie, writes again.
This literary guru and legend is the most provocative female writer of the century. She speaks to issues concerning Black America. As you read her words, you will notice that from 1990 until 2016, her advice, warnings, and directions for Blacks have not wavered. She predicted the plight of Black America and issued a warning that if Blacks did not change their attitude and economic direction, then history would repeat itself and Blacks would return to slavery, but in a more sophisticated form–having an illusion of freedom.
Dr. Milligan is not a militant Black leader, but she is indeed a timekeeper and scorekeeper. She is the clock, calendar, and almanac for Black America. She speaks to you through many forms of communication. Read, listen, and hear her!

The ABC's For Starting And Managing Your Own Publishing Company Made Simple
This step-by-step instructional manual will arm the publisher with information needed to run a successful and profitable publishing business. You will learn how to avoid the pitfalls that prevent publishers from having a successful and profitable business.
You will learn: How to choose the right business structure for your business, what’s in a name, obtaining your book credentials, how to choose a graphic designer, illustrator, formatter and printer, the difference between a conventional printer and print-on-demand printer, the difference in the profit margin with conventional versus print-on-demand., how to price your book for profit. Included is a Sample Publishing Contract and a Sample book proposal cost and much more.
Creating a Budget Made Simple

What You Need To Know Before You Start A Business
LLC & S CORPORATION ESSENTIALS - Your Ultimate FAQ Guide for Entrepreneurs

HOW TO CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS LEGALLY & GRACEFULLY MADE SIMPLE — Your Easy Step-by-Step Guide to Closing a Business
Book Synopsis for LLC & Corp Nuggetts

Understanding Credit Made Simple: Say Goodbye to Debt Forever
Understanding Credit Made Simple will provide you with the basic information you need to eliminate bad debts and rebuild your good credit, which will help you gain access to lower you interest rate on your purchases and gain access to capital for your business.
75 Ways To Save Money