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How To Write A Book Made Simple: And Your Publishing Options
Nuts & Bolts For the New Author & the New Publisher Made Simple

ABC's On How To Prepare Your Manuscript For Editing, Formatting And Printing

Developing A Marketing Plan for your Book Made Simple
Writing your marketing plan is as important as writing your book, creating the difference between bestseller and no sales at all. Whether you are independently published or traditionally published, the system of introducing the book to the right audience is truly the difference between failure and success. Without a marketing plan, you are planning to fail.
Book sales do not just happen. You must make them happen. A marketing plan must show the revenue streams you expect to reach. This manual will help you, as an author, to meet your income or sales goals. It details the market you are seeking and how you will reach them.
The ABC's For Starting And Managing Your Own Publishing Company Made Simple
This step-by-step instructional manual will arm the publisher with information needed to run a successful and profitable publishing business. You will learn how to avoid the pitfalls that prevent publishers from having a successful and profitable business.
You will learn: How to choose the right business structure for your business, what’s in a name, obtaining your book credentials, how to choose a graphic designer, illustrator, formatter and printer, the difference between a conventional printer and print-on-demand printer, the difference in the profit margin with conventional versus print-on-demand., how to price your book for profit. Included is a Sample Publishing Contract and a Sample book proposal cost and much more.