Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck: A Proven Guide to Get Out and Stay Out of Debt
Cornelius Pettus, Sr., reveals the secret to becoming rich using his totally realistic system, a system so incredibly simple you might say that it is OBVIOUS. The system is based on principles, which, when used, will force you to become RICH! You will learn the difference between an asset and a liability, and why the rich purchase assets.
In his provocative new book, Blackonomic$: The Way To Psychological and Economical Freedom For African Americans, James Clingman disputes long-accepted tactics aimed at gaining economic empowerment for Blacks. Clingman believes that economic clout holds greater sway than political, that Blacks must first help themselves before reaching out to help others, and that Blacks should stop counting “firsts” and say instead, “ …call me when the number reaches 1,000.” Blackonomic$ is a must-read for Black leaders and organizers of every stripe.

Don’t let the new millennium catch you with money problems. Stop guessing what to do. Education is the first principle that leads to financial freedom. Learn how to have money left over every month, get out of debt permanently, buy your first home, figure out the stock market and mutual funds and more.
Keeping It Next Time
Keeping It Next Time is about understanding mistakes of the past, in order to correct and profit from what you have learned for your future. With the abundance of knowledge within this book, you will understand what went wrong the last time, and you will be empowered with information to know when to buy and how to keep it next time.
Michael Andrews, an expert in the field of real estate, tells you when to purchase real estate. He states, “Too many people are trying to make money by waiting out for the bad times and cashing in on the good times. This is backwards. You don’t make money buying high and selling low. Therefore, for the next real estate boom, do not sit on the sideline and watch others make money. Keeping It Next Time will give you the confidence to take advantage of the real deals that are available during the bust.