There is no doubt that we live in a fallen world—a world of war, pain, disease, and death. Many religions stress that we can reach a better world after death. John Entsuah is here to tell you different.
In “Jesus’ Great Master Plan to Rescue Earth and Her Children from the Spiritual Fall,” Mr. Entsuah explains how each and every one of us can attain a higher level of being today, right now. Meditation is the key that will allow each of us to connect directly to the pure energy that is God. Jesus was not sent to die for our sins; Jesus was sent to teach us how to turn on the fire within our hearts that will enable us to use meditation to directly reach God.
This exciting new interpretation of Jesus and His ministry will teach you how to move from a low energy state of being to a high energy state; to live the way God has always intended that His children should live. You no longer have to live in a fallen world or live in hope of the next world; Heaven is within your grasp today.
Prepared Just For You 66 Gospel Messages
It’s Saturday night, and you have no idea what you are going to preach about on Sunday morning. You’ve looked through your Bible, and haven’t found just the right passage. This book will not only make selecting a message easier; Henry L. Knight’s insights will lead you to a deeper understanding of the lessons of the Bible.
In his new book, “Prepared Just for You: 66 Gospel Messages,” Mr. Knight has done all the background work for you. Each chapter is organized by theme, followed by an explanation of the Scripture, citation of supporting Scriptures, and conclusion that summarizes the message. He has provided a well-researched starting point for your own message to your flock.

GOD SPOKE AND THE POET WROTE A Collection of Christian Poems
God Spoke And The Poet Wrote is unlike any other anthology of Christian poetry that you have ever read. Frank Wallace is not writing of a blissful state where he is one with God, and promising us we too shall learn that secret. He is too human, besieged by doubts and fears and sins just like the rest of us. He holds a mirror up to every soul who tries, and doesn’t always succeed, in living a truly loving and selfless life.
The poet speaks directly to his readers about what is in his heart. The message of God Spoke And The Poet Wrote is that God is never very far away.
C.O.G.I.C. (Church of God in Christ) - Unsanctioned Issues

Inspirational thoughts for the day. This book will uplift the spirit, inspire the heart, and motivate the mind of its readers. The verses of wisdom and quotations are heavenly food for the soul that can be generously served on all occasions.
The Body of Christ
This book teaches us how to strive for oneness. It helps us to see that only when we comprehend oneness of the body will we comprehend the oneness of the work. After reading this book, you will truly understand that the work is not ours, it’s the Lord’s.

Restraint In Speech
This book helps us understand the importance of speech restraint for all Christians, and the author explains that the words we speak are an opening through which the power of God may flow out or leak away. We bless God and mankind when we practice restraint in speech.
Carolyn C. Gauthier was born again twenty-one years ago, and is continually amazed at the blessings God brings to her life. On every page of her compelling new memoir she shows her gratitude. But “Poised for Destiny” is not only a song of praise for the awesomeness of God, it is also a step-by-step how-to manual on how each of us can reach this enlightened state for ourselves. In its pages you will learn to read Scripture, to accept and embrace the “sandpaper” in your life, to understand your own destiny and purpose, and the joy such knowledge brings.

Henry L. Knight was at a loss for words. As a pastor, teacher, he rarely found himself in this condition. But he had just heard the most devastating news of his life—he had colorectal cancer. How could this have happened? He ate right, exercised, and got enough rest. How could his body turn on him like this?
Pastor Knight chronicles his struggles to overcome this cancer. He came to terms with the fact that he became ill through no fault of his own, and began simultaneous chemo and radiation treatments. But it is God that he credits for his full healing. No matter what he saw when looking into the mirror, he never entertained death—only life. This book can serve as a blueprint for anyone with cancer who chose life over death.
Who Is Jesus Christ? And What Was His Purpose On Earth?
This book is for everyone who has ever wondered why they need to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ; why they need to confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; and why they need their sins forgiven.
Let “Who Is Jesus Christ?–And What Was His Purpose On Earth?” explain to you why you need to let Jesus into your life, and acknowledge your rightful place with God. Let this book become a treasured part of your life

A mother’s journey back from the devastating death of her teenage son. This book reveals the trauma of handling a child’s death and how this mother fought her way back to life. The author turns a shocking event into a life-changing situation full of hope.
Thy Kingdom Come
This book helps clarify a phrase that has been pondered and debated for years–“Thy Kingdom Come.” The author helps us to see that there is nothing mystical about God’s Kingdom.

The Creator
This beautifully illustrated story was designed for young children; however, people of all ages are clamoring for the book because the quest for happiness transcends age, gender, and ethnicity.
Max, a young, disabled orphan, demonstrates the most powerful and necessary lesson for today’s time—where happiness comes from and how you can acquire it. You will discover what happiness is—and what happiness is not. And the source from which happiness comes. Take the journey with Max, and you, too, can tap into true and permanent happiness.
When There Is No Visual Means of Support The Secrets Lie Within The Scriptures! Nuts & Bolts To Survive Life Challenges

Committed Women In The Heart Of God
This book, Committed Women in the Heart of God, carries a message that can bring illumination to the heart and minds of its readers. You will see through this beautiful love story, based on the Biblical character, Ruth, that commitment and love are inseparable. You will understand the fullness of the definition of “Commitment,” and the blessings that come with being firstly committed to God.
The author helps us to recognize that commitment is the key that unlocks the treasures of God in our lives and our calling. And it is commitment to our endeavors in life that causes us to succeed in our professional vocations and dreams.
Ten Church Growth Principles "Empowering Your Church To Grow"