5 Colors to Better Health

Parenting Skills For The New Millennium
A step-by-step guide to help parents rear healthy, responsible children for the new millennium. Parents will understand their children’s basic needs. This book provides guidelines and rules and discusses allowances, financial responsibility, family meetings and conflict resolution.
The Art of Weight Management Strategies for Success

17 Points To Longevity in Show Business
17 Points to Longevity in Show Business” outlines, step by step, how to develop your skills, promote your career, and still take the time to nurture your physical and spiritual well-being. You will learn to make a business plan, establish a client base, and increase your confidence and focus. There has never been a book like this one.
Stephanie has over 30 years of experience in the industry in which she shares with her readers.
A Caregiver's Journey With A Terminal Patient
What would you do if you found out that your loved one had a terminal illness? Would you want him/her to spend their final days in the hospital, or surrounded by family and familiar sights at home? Whether you are facing difficult care giving issues in your life, or have never even considered such issues, Dr. Arbuckle will provide you with not only a practical guide, but with a spiritually uplifting example of a woman who did everything she could to say farewell to her husband with love and dignity.

Maxims in Excellence for the Workplace and Beyond
Think On These Things
Are you feeling discouraged? Weary? Spiritually confused? In “Think On These Things,” Granvel Johnson provides guidance and scripture on such topics as self-esteem, forgiveness, love, faith, and peace of mind. Every word in this book will comfort you, uplift you, and take you further on your walk with God. This is a must-read for all who seek further spiritual enlightenmen

Are Weight and Pounds the Same Thing?
This book will help you understand the importance of creating a lifestyle that will help you to maintain your ideal weight. You will learn how your body’s digestive system works, how animal fat helps put on pounds, and why herbs are more beneficial than drugs. But, most of all, you will be encouraged to stop lying to yourself and stop accepting the extra pounds that are harming your health.
Psychology of Education: A Theoretical Approach In Child Development
Professor Velma Melancon presents the sequence of a child’s development. She uses observation tools and the child skill checklist to help the teacher, caregiver, and parents to assess where the child stands in various development sequences so that they can plan activities which enhance the child’s educational growth.
This is a must-read book for parents, teachers, and caregivers. They will gain a clear understanding of the developmental sequence, such as emotional, social, physical, and cognitive, and how these components help them to recognize the child’s strength and help in the development of the child to reach his or her maximum potential.

Gambling: The Pleasure of Winning, The Pain of Losing "Women Living through The Pain"
Healing Our Village: A Self-Care Guide to Diabetes Control
If you are one of the 13 million people in the United States diagnosed with diabetes, you may feel frightened and confused.
Well, help is here! Dr. Lenore T. Coleman and Dr. James R. Gavin, III have written a comprehensive, highly-readable manual on the long-term management of diabetes. You will learn what causes the disease, which medications are used to control it and how they are administered, and how you can avoid complications such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. With the right tools, you can lead a long and healthy life despite this disease. “Healing Our Village: A Self-Care Guide to Diabetes Control” will show you how.

Blackonomic$: The Way To Psychological and Economic Freedom For African Americans,
The Game of Success Your Kids Will Play For The Rest of Their Lives!
You’ll discover how to instill such vital, winning qualities as goal-setting, self-discipline, commitment honoring and financial management (even in kids as young as 7 years old).
How to specify your goals as parents and make achieving each one valuable and important to your kids—bringing a greater level of peace and structure to your home. And, how to turn the daily successes found while playing the game into lifelong habits.

From Miseducation To Incarceration
Dr. Donald Evans outlines how ignorance of one’s own cultural history contributes to making wrong choices, choices that often leave the black man/woman incarcerated.
Dr. Evans shows how an Afrocentric education will promote high self-esteem and greater cultural and political awareness.
Black-O-Knowledge: STUFF WE NEED TO KNOW
Black-O-Knowledge is a compendium of views, facts, statistics, and insights that, if taken seriously, can help African Americans win this war against economic deprivation. This book is comprised of many lessons passed down by our elders, lessons that admonish and direct African Americans along the path of economic freedom. Black-O-Knowledge is a “call for an end to the madness” of economic enslavement of Black people; and it’s a life jacket that has been thrown to the Black men and women of today.

You Have Cancer: A Death Sentence That Four African-American Men Turned into an Affirmation to remain in the "Land of the Living"
You Have Cancer reveals how four best friends who grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools, the same church and they suffered from the same dreaded disease at the same time—cancer! A male cancer survivor from the same city, helped them to tell their story.
The authors present the poignant and often overwhelming experiences of real people. It shows how the lives of these men were suddenly and dramatically changed by one sentence, “You have cancer.” This is not a pity party book, but instead a book of stories that will uplift and inspire cancer patience to “dance” rather than to sit it out. It provides coping and survival skills for their caretakers and their loved ones. This book provide the latest information and resources to combat cancer.
African-Americans are dying younger than any other ethnic group because of unhealthy lifestyles and diet. This reality so profoundly disturbed Lottie Perkins that she wrote this book to try to make a difference.
A registered nurse and a certified natural wellness consultant, she has vast knowledge in the health field and lives a holistic life of meditation, prayer, exercise, and healthy eating. Lottie shares her knowledge, insight, and personal experiences to help other African-Americans make conscious lifestyle choices that will increase their quality of life and longevity.

Scams, Schemes & Fraud (How Not To Be A Victim)
This memoir takes us on a journey of a widow who worked together with her husband for thirty-two years before his untimely death, building a life and foundation that could be left to their children. She learned the hard lesson that greed is at an all-time high and shysters are out there, lying in wait to devour you, if given an opportunity. Although this is common knowledge, who would think one of those shysters would turn out to be in your camp—your very own son-in-law?
Scams, Schemes & Fraud, is a life-changing and heart-wrenching portrayal of the do’s and don’ts in a business relationship.
You will learn:
- What you should know when starting a business.
- How to avoid pitfalls when buying a business and the documents that need to be checked prior to closing a deal.
- How to check an attorney’s compliance/discipline record.
The author provides you with samples of:
- Critical documents in real estate transactions.
- E-mail and mail fraud.
Jim Clingman offers a ‘straight no chaser’ approach to invigorating the African American community. With frank uncompromising essays, this book is a hard hitting call to action for Black people worldwide. He exhorts and uplifts you at the same time. He identifies the problems and he gives solutions!

Good Study Habits
Whether you are an outstanding student pushing yourself to reach beyond to the next level of achievement or a failing student struggling to move up to passing, this book is for you. Good study habits help to maximize every student’s learning potential.
This fun, easy to read, self-guided format allows any student to progress at his or her own pace. Each letter-based skill can easily be added to the classroom curriculum to significantly improve productivity and ultimately test scores.
The author teaches generic study skills in a format appropriate for a wide range—from elementary to college students.
When There Is No Visual Means of Support The Secrets Lie Within The Scriptures! Nuts & Bolts To Survive Life Challenges

Committed Women In The Heart Of God
This book, Committed Women in the Heart of God, carries a message that can bring illumination to the heart and minds of its readers. You will see through this beautiful love story, based on the Biblical character, Ruth, that commitment and love are inseparable. You will understand the fullness of the definition of “Commitment,” and the blessings that come with being firstly committed to God.
The author helps us to recognize that commitment is the key that unlocks the treasures of God in our lives and our calling. And it is commitment to our endeavors in life that causes us to succeed in our professional vocations and dreams.
Voices To Our Children
Voices To Our Children is a collection of affirmations, wisdom and nuggets that can inspire and motivate today’s youth. The author reflects on the sayings of the elders and how their “old sayings” have helped to shape his life in a positive way.
You will find words to live by and to act upon such as: Will Power, Inspiration, Education, Organization, Sports, Accomplishments, Love, and Life’s Gifts. These “old sayings” can serve as a catalyst to guide your youth on the journey called life.

In this book Luvella tells of a Medical Mistake That Killed Her Husband. You will see how their faith in God kept them strong as they stared death in the face.
Luvella is neither bitter nor angry. Instead, she is committed to the vow that she made with her husband. Luvella vowed to her dying husband that she would tell the world about the medical mistake that resulted in his untimely demise. Her hope is that others will learn from her experiences and avoid the misdiagnoses and mishaps that prematurely took her husband from her.
Thrift Store Diva: Spending Pennies And Looking Like A Million Dollars
Helen Pearson is a purpose-driven shopper. While others spend millions to look elegant, Helen spends pennies and looks like a million dollars. In every circle of influence, people compliment her on her elegant style of fashion from head to toe.
Helen will teach you how to look like a million while spending pennies. At last, you will get a chance to see Helen’s wardrobes as she and her business partner display these gorgeous outfits.

The Uncharted Natural Art of Conceiving, Pregnancy Prevention and Childbirth Spacing
The innate sexual desire of modern man is the same today as it was in the beginning of time. And problems exist today, as in the past, regarding sexuality and children. This book provides techniques for childless couples who have difficulties in conceiving and for those who desire pregnancy prevention and knowledge about childbirth spacing. It is a reader-friendly book without a lot of medical jargon to clutter your mind.
Danny Saturday was born on a remote island in the Philippines. As a young boy, he followed his mother, a midwife, around and assisted her in her duties. From his many experiences in assisting his mother, and from what he has read and observed, he has put pen to paper and produced the uncharted natural art of Conceiving, Pregnancy Prevention and Childbirth Spacing to help people in achieving their dreams.
This book is an educational book, aimed not only at today’s population, but future generations as well. The author provides basic information about sexual behavior and the body’s reproductive systems, as well as techniques and guidelines for conception and pregnancy prevention in a most natural way in a passionate, comfortable atmosphere, where nature takes its course. Turn these pages to keep learning new things to keep that spark alive.
A Child's Journey Through Sexual Abuse: A Journey of Healing Through Confronting and Exposing Sexual Abuse from Childhood to Adulthood

Elegant Sister, What Happened?
Why Married Men Cheat
Finally, men’s truth about why married men cheat. Why Married Men Cheat is not from a scorned woman or a cheating man, but by a professional who has conducted adequate research and, through painstaking details, gathered real stories, from real men, in real relationships.
This book has raised eyebrows of men and women and was the talk-of-the-town before it even hit the street. Why Married Men Cheat, is the hottest buzz around town. You will find answers to the question pondered by many—why married men cheat? The author was trained by the world’s foremost expert in mental toughness training—Steve Siebold, and she is a mental toughness love coach. She delivers on the promise to restore relationships and guarantees dates.

The Evolution of America's Homebred Terrorist: The Changing Culture
The Evolution of America’s Homebred Terrorist is an indisputable, comprehensive, provocative scrutiny into the makings and world of America’s urban terrorist. Since the September 11 Terrorist attack, the word TERRORIST sends chills through hearts and minds of Americans. Prior to September 11 only urban communities— particularly the black communities— were held hostage and living in fear from terror. Today, the fear of attacks via a Terrorist grips all Americans.
The author states, “The number one problem facing black Americans today is Urban Terrorist—Crips and Bloods—and there is a changing culture of the new generation of Crips and Bloods.” He examines the economic impact of gangs on a community and the nation and presents strategies to make Americans safe.
You will learn:
- “Myths” and “Truth” about gang activities and practices.
- Signs that tell when your child/ spouse is in a gang.
- Whether there is gang activity in your community.
- How politics has entered the gang world and much more.